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Return Policy

Order Cancellation Policy

All orders can be cancelled before they are processed. If your order has been paid and you need to change or cancel it, you must contact us within 12 hours. Once the packaging and shipping process has started, it can no longer be cancelled.


Return Policy

Your satisfaction is our #1 priority.
You can request a return for ordered products if:

  • You received the wrong item.
    If you receive a different item than what you ordered, please contact us immediately for a replacement.
  • Your item was damaged upon delivery.
    We understand accidents happen during shipment. If your item arrives damaged during shipment, no need to return it. Take a picture of the damaged product and send it along with your order number to customerservice@geektechdepot.com and we'll send you a replacement!

    Please send the photo in a timely fashion. Damaged, missing, or incorrect items reported after 7 days from delivery will NOT be eligible for a refund or replacement. 

 We do not issue the refund if:

  • Your order does not arrive due to factors within your control
    For example: providing an incorrect shipping address. If you do accidentally submit an order with the incorrect shipping address, contact us immediately with the correct address. Once your order leaves our hands, it will be too late to change the shipping address and a refund will NOT be issued.

    If any packages are returned to us due to an incorrect address or an undeliverable mailbox, we will reach out to you for the correct address and an additional shipping fee will be charged for redelivery. A refund will NOT be issued if you provide an undeliverable address and an attempt has been made to reach out to you for redelivery. 
  • You ordered an incorrect size 
    We aim to deliver to our customers the correct size the very first time around. So please pay attention and follow the measurement guide, table, and/or instructions found in the product description of the product you are interested in purchasing. Because the measurements are clearly provided for this exact purpose, a return will NOT be issued for incorrect size. Please make sure you order the size with the most compatible measurements that fit you.


How to Request a Return

You may request a return of an eligible item within 7 days from the delivery date. Sale and Clearance items are final sale and cannot be returned.

To request a return, please contact us within 7 days from the delivery date. Please include a picture of the item you wish to return and the order number.

All returned items must be in the same condition, in its original packaging, and must have the original tags attached as when you first received it. 

Once your item is determined that it is eligible for a return, a return address and Return Authorization (RA) number will be provided. You, the customer, will be responsible for return shipping costs. A tracking number must be provided with your return to prevent any processing delays. IMPORTANT: All items not sent to the correct return address or without a RA number will NOT be processed. We are not responsible for lost, damaged, or misdirected returns. 

After your return is received and verified of its original shipping condition, we will issue your refund along with a confirmation email. All refunds will be credited back to the original form of payment. A 20% restocking fee may apply. Any shipping, handling, processing, and/or custom fees are nonrefundable. 

How to Request an Exchange

You may request an exchange of an eligible item within 3 days from the delivery date. Sale and Clearance items are final sale and cannot be exchanged.

To request an exchange, please contact us within 3 days from the delivery date and send us a picture of the item you wish to exchange.

All exchange items must be in the same condition, in its original packaging, and must have the original tags attached as when you first received it. 

Once your item is determined that it is eligible for an exchange, a return address and Return Authorization (RA) number will be provided. You, the customer, will be responsible for return shipping costs. A tracking number must be provided with your package to prevent any processing delays. IMPORTANT: All items not sent to the correct return address or without a RA number will NOT be processed. We are not responsible for lost, damaged, or misdirected packages. 

After your package is received and verified of its original shipping condition, we will reconfirm with you regarding the item you wish to receive and ship your requested exchange item within 3 business days. 


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